viernes, 19 de julio de 2019

My trip to southern Chile

Some years ago, I travelled to the south of Chile, to Torres del Paine. Luckily, there were no clouds that day, so the sky was all clear and bright. At first, I was really surprised about the immensity of the lands. We saw a lot of lakes, some bigger than others, but all of them had beautiful colors; blue, skyblue, light blue, aquamarine, etc. I was also surprised about all the green areas, there was a lot of nature, a lot of trees and bushes with flowers of all colours.Along the roads was full of these beautiful flowers too. I liked that a lot. It was really cold because of the wind, but with the correct clothes it was fine. We saw a lot of alpacas in the middle of the road at some point, and others that were on the sides calmly, but they were really close to us. We had to be really careful with them while driving!

3 comentarios:

  1. As how you describe that place sounds beautiful!!!! It must be quite an adventure :D

  2. Now I want to go there and see the alpacas too.

  3. It sounds so beautiful! I really hope to go there someday.
