miércoles, 31 de julio de 2019

This are my final thoughts:

Resultado de imagen para final thoughts

I really enjoyed doing this activity. Writing on the computer and writing by hand feels very different; On the computer I can write my thoughts as many times as I want, and organize them better. And it's not that in paper isn't possible, but it is much more messy and it takes more time to write. On the computer I can write what I think at that moment, and I also had the opportunity to do it with my friends, all correcting or writing at the same time, and I think it was really entertaining. Sharing ideas can be fun, and we did it through different types of texts and different types of stories. It was also very helpful to receive corrections from them, because after writing that much, it can be a little difficult to realize of all the details and grammar mistakes, especially when you get excited writing.

The first text I wrote I did quite quickly. I feel it was easy just to write what I remembered, and there is no change of ideas or many things to add, just do it the way it was. But with the story we write, for example, there is a need to perform a brainstorm
to see what possibilities there are to write, or when I wrote about the video, how to do it and how it can be written in an understandable way, especially being a mute video.

I think that all this was an interesting type of work and that it was a good way to learn about the types of texts in a practical way, and
I say it again, with lots of fun.

How to be a bad university student (Collaborative Writing)

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The university may be an overwhelming experience, you have to do so many things with so little time. There are boring lecturers making classes even more boring… All those things can make you feel tired from this place. That’s why today we are going to show you some tips in order to be a bad university student and have even more fun than the regular students. Going to college can be funnier and much better without stress and making the less effort possible. 

1. Don’t worry about learning at all, the only important thing is that you pass the exams, so copy everything.
2. Participate in group works, and “try to help” doing nothing.
3. Use headphones while the teacher is talking.
4. Send messages by cell phone during the whole class.
5. We know that studying all night is a bad idea. As the researchers explain, for your brain to store information you must sleep at least 7 or 8 hours. Much better if they are more hours, no matter if you arrive late, first there is always your health.
6. Calculate how many days you can miss classes in the semester. If you feel stressed, depressed, or simply do not feel like attending, don’t hesitate to miss. After all, you can always ask your classmates for the content.
7. Be happy with what you receive in class. Don’t read, do not consult, do not ask.
8. Copy even in your oral evaluation, in front of the teacher. If she doesn’t see you, the better.
9. Be happy when a teacher doesn’t go to classes or cancels it.
10. If you receive a bad grade, don’t worry. Don’t ask, do nothing about it. It’ll be better in the future.
11. If you don’t have time to study, don’t try to use your free time to do that, is boring.
12. Always do other things while the teacher is in front of you.
13. Don’t forget to annoy your classmates!
14. Always be part of the most annoying group, they have the best options to copy.
15. If the teacher asks you to answer something, if you keep quiet, maybe he’ll forget.
16. Don’t take notes, you’ll waste notebooks on that.
17. Always spoil to other the comics, movies, series, even if they haven’t done that to you, it’s a principal topic in classes.
18. Be an attention seeker.
19. Sing in classes, even if you’re not studying music.
20. Be shady with your classmates, especially with the ones that never talks to you.
21. Create a false instagram to accuse any of your classmates to do things that aren’t true.
22. Erase the emails so your classmates don’t know any important information, and won’t be able to study.
23. Talk bad about your classmates and pretend they don’t hear you, even if they’re next to you.
24. Be late. Always.

There are our main tips of being a bad student. We really hope you’ll enjoy your staying in the university. Do your best!


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One upon a time, there was a little black kitty that was going home after having found a fish. 
A woman tried to catch his attention whistling, but he didn’t trust people at all so he left running. 
He sneaked into the garden of a house where he had a box on top of a pile of garbage, 
where he had a teddy bear which was his “house”. He snuggled with his teddy bear and after 
cleaning himself a little, and he took a nap in his comfortable blanket, leaving the fish by his 
side to eat it later.
Resultado de imagen para Kitbull
He woke up at the next day with the sound of a truck, then he heard chains and barks. He 
tried to see what was there and he saw a big snout of a dog really close, a Pitbull’s snout, 
which scared him a lot and he hissed at him trying to claw at the dog with his tiny claws 
through a hole in the box. He tried to show he wasn’t scared at all, so he jumped off the box 
and hissed again behind a barbed wire where the dog couldn’t reach him anyway. The kitty 
was really little and the dog was a big one, but he wasn’t aggressive like the kitty, he just 
wanted to play.

The man who brought the dog entered his house and returned with a heavy chain, which he 
used to tie the dog, and after this, he returned to the interior of his house again, ignoring the 
dog which wanted his attention.

A day passed and the kitty tried to scale the garbage heap where his box was, and in the 
process, he threw a bottle and the bottle cap came out. The noise scared him and he ran 
into his box, but after he saw it was just a cap, he looked at it, curious, and he suddenly 
started to play with it. When he was doing this, he pushed the cap through the barbed wire 
where the dog was sleeping. The noise woke him up and he threw back the cap gently. The 
kitty didn’t saw that because he was hiding again behind his box, but when the cap 
returned, he started to play again until he saw the dog and hissed at him. The kitty feared 
the dog, but when he saw that the dog was tied and could not approach even if he wanted, 
looking very sad, moments later the tap rolled back to the dog and the dog threw it back to 
the cat, which got scared a few times, but continued the game happily until the sound of a 
passing plane distracted them. They both watched it but the dog barked at it and the cat got 
scared again and ran to hide inside of his box.

Another day passed, and in the afternoon the cat watched the dog through the hole in its 
box, curious. He saw that his owner handed him a teddy bear which the dog bit, both threw, 
and then the teddy bear's head was torn off and fell to the ground. The cat got very scared 
and hid next to his own stuffed animal, just trying to ignore it.

That same night, during a storm, several barks were heard through the door. The door 
opened, and the man kicked out the dog, wounded by a dog fight, back to the yard. He cried 
and began barking to the door, but they ignored him. The cat also wanted to ignore him, but 
the rain opened the “roof of his house” and he got wet. He tried to sleep anyway, but a piece 
of wood threw his box down to the floor. The cat meowed, and when he tried to get out, he 
got stuck in a beer wrapper, which got tangled in the up with the barbed wire. He couldn’t let 
go as much as he pulled. The dog become closer and started to remove the barbed wire 
with his teeth, but even if he was trying to help, the vision of the cat was different. A big dog 
with a really big mouth and big teeth was approaching to eat him while he was trapped, and 
when the dog tried to help the kitty to take off the beer wrapper, the cat scratched him in the 
nose and the dog cried. The kitty run to hid behind a table and saw the sad dog walking 
back to his cage.

The next day it wasn’t raining anymore, and the cat was bored. He was looking at the yard 
and found the cap they had been playing with. He threw it at the dog, who was inside his 
cage, but the cap didn’t come back. The kitty came closer and closer, and entered the cage. 
The dog was whining inside, still hurt, and he growled at the kitty at first, but even if he 
wanted to run again, approached with caution, beginning to lick his wounds at first, and then 
curled up beside him. The dog waved its tail, finally feeling a little better.
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They both returned to the yard and started playing with the cap, the dog was lame, but he 
was happy again. They were happy at least until they both suddenly heard noises behind 
the door. They knew who it was. The dog got really scared because of this, but the kitty 
meowed at him while climbing the pile of garbage, and the dog followed him. It wasn’t easy 
for him since he was really bigger than the cat, and he started crying a bit, but the dog got to 
jump the fence with the help of the kitty at the same second the door was opened.

The man looked for the dog with the chain in his hands, but he found nothing in the 
backyard of the house more than his pile of garbage.

The next day, the kitty and the dog were in a passage of the streets. The dog was really 
happy to be free and started playing with the kitty. The kitty walked a bit until he saw a can 
of fish. It smelled good, but there was a woman behind it and he didn’t wanted to approach, 
but since she looked gentle, he come closer and she pet him.

The dog wasn’t really far, and he come closer too after showing himself behind a tree. The 
woman got scared, but the kitty snuggled with him and the woman decided to come closer 
again and she also pet the sad looking dog, slowly. He learned what love was.

The woman adopted both animals with his husband, and finally they could live happy 
together. The end.
Resultado de imagen para Kitbull 

Two rabbits apart from you

Resultado de imagen para Rabbits

Mark bought a couple of rabbits in a pet store, he named them Iris and Linus. They were white and brown, respectively. His wife, Amanda, wasn’t very happy with the news, especially because she is not a pet person, all the hair the animals leave makes her angry. And these rabbits dropped a lot of hair. 

But, Amanda thought it was quite rare that out of nowhere Mark bought a pair of rabbits. She suddenly remembered that some time ago, one of her friend told her about her husband having an affair, and that his lover gave him lots of gifts. Amanda thought those rabbits were a gift from a lover, so she had to make a decision. 

The next day, while his husband was working, Amanda took the rabbits and left the house. She had a friend that had a pet snakes, and he told her once what his snakes ate. It was just perfect.

She didn’t care about what his husband could say after that, she was going to pretend that she didn’t know anything, maybe they got out the house or something, she had a lot of ideas of what to say as an excuse.

Amanda went to her friend’s house, and gave him the rabbits. Then, she returned home very excited, she couldn’t wait to face her husband.

Poor man, he didn’t know that he had for wife a crazy woman. 

When he got home in the afternoon, he wanted to tell his wife that he had really good news. He was promoted, and now he could pay the vacations they always wanted.

He looked for Amanda and noticed something. Where were the rabbits?

It was a little strange, he thought they will be jumping all over the house, but they were nowhere to be seen. He also couldn’t find Amanda until he peeked into their bedroom and found her, but she looked angry. 

Amanda asked him who she was, and he didn’t understand at all. Who was who?
She repeated the same question at the same time she got up, she was really  angry, but why?

He told her he didn’t know what she was talking about and when she started to explain. Mark thought that this wasn’t going to be a good day afterall.

Mark asked her if she was going to believe him, but Amanda didn’t listen to him. Then he remembered about the rabbits. 

He asked, and she told him they were in a better place now.

But they both were interrupted when someone knocked at the door. They stopped arguing and went to see who it was, they found their friend crying out loud with both rabbits on his hands, mumbling he couldn’t use them as food for his snakes. They were too cute for that.

Now Mark was the one who was angry. Did she really give the rabbits to be eaten?

He took the rabbits and thanked his friend. When Mark closed the door, he looked at her angrily and told her to leave. It was his house after all. He wasn’t going to sleep with a crazy wife who wanted to do that to innocent rabbits for some wrong thoughts. She could’ve just asked him about that and they could’ve talked peacefully, but he didn’t wanted to do that now. He wanted her to leave. Did she really forget about what he said about he wanting rabbit pets?

Some time after, he got divorced and started a new and happy life with his rabbits, and they went to a vacations to the Malvinas.


viernes, 19 de julio de 2019

My trip to southern Chile

Some years ago, I travelled to the south of Chile, to Torres del Paine. Luckily, there were no clouds that day, so the sky was all clear and bright. At first, I was really surprised about the immensity of the lands. We saw a lot of lakes, some bigger than others, but all of them had beautiful colors; blue, skyblue, light blue, aquamarine, etc. I was also surprised about all the green areas, there was a lot of nature, a lot of trees and bushes with flowers of all colours.Along the roads was full of these beautiful flowers too. I liked that a lot. It was really cold because of the wind, but with the correct clothes it was fine. We saw a lot of alpacas in the middle of the road at some point, and others that were on the sides calmly, but they were really close to us. We had to be really careful with them while driving!

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2019

Early Bird or Night Owl?

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Being a Night Owl

I usually do everything late, that’s why I am a night owl. I like to do my homework after 10pm because I feel more active, I also prefer to study at night for the same reason. I can concentrate better, is quieter, since is not noisy like in the day for the constructions and vehicles, is fresher, and it’s relaxing to do some other things like reading or studying. I also have a problem called ‘Photophobia’, and that’s another reason to prefer the night than the day, because there’s little or no sunlight at all. I have a lot of friends in the internet, and many of them are from different countries with different time zones, that's another reason why I like to stay up late, because I can only talk to some of them when here in Chile it’s night time.

People say you should sleep at night, but even if I’ve heard it many times... I still like to be a Night Owl.

Welcome to my new blog!

This is my first post, and you'll see me writting.. 
well, stuff I guess.

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